PENCIL ME IN is a Guided Journal series. Pressing Through the Noise, Finding My Peace, allows you to explore your hidden emotions in the privacy of journaling. You are transported through the reading and examining of original poetry, intriguing vignettes, mystery puzzles and related scriptures, all of which have been specifically designed to bring individuals to a better understanding as to how to cut through the busyness of life and find your peace.
Throughout this uniquely designed interactive journal, individuals are given the space to daily PENCIL IN their thoughts and reflect on positive imagery that are captured throughout the journal.
This Guided Journal, invites you to explore topics such as
- “Finding Peace in the Midst of Noise”
- How to block out the negativity and the pressure of society
- Scriptures for reflection and encouragement
- Daily Self-Care check-in templates
- Original short stories and poems highlighting individuals who were lost but found their path to fly again.